To permanently unlock all features of the XBPlay app without a free trial, consider purchasing a license. You can purchase a license by buying the Android, iOS, or Steam Store version of the app. Alternatively, you can purchase a license directly on the website.
On most platforms, you can use the XBPlay app for free for a limited time to see if it works on your device. After the trial expires, you can either purchase a license to continue using the app or restart the app to reset the trial period.
On some platforms, there is no trial available; in these cases, you must purchase the app before downloading it.
Free Trial Platforms
Android Mobile
Windows Direct Download
Mac Direct Download
Linux Direct Download
Flatpak (Discover Store)
Android TV
VR (SideQuest)
Purchase Before Download Platforms
Fire TV
Purchase License for a Direct Download:
The Direct version of the app is an executable that you can download from the website. To unlock the Direct Windows/Mac/Linux version of the app, follow these steps:
Option A:
Purchase a license through the website. Be sure to enter your exact gamertag while completing the purchase.
Restart the XBPlay app and sign in if you havent already. The license is linked to your gamertag and should unlock once restarted.
Option B:
Download and purchase the XBPlay app for Android, iOS, or from the Steam Store.
to your Microsoft account in the Android/iOS/Steam app.
If using the Android or iOS version, buy the full version of the app to get your license. You can buy the app by opening the settings and clicking "Unlock Full Version".
Close and reopen the app once purchased to be sure the purchase goes through.
After Purchasing:
Return to the Direct/Flatpak/Windows/Mac/Linux app and sign-in, then restart the app. Upon restart, the unlock button at the bottom right of the screen should disappear indicating the full version has been unlocked. If it does not unlock, click the "Reset" button of the app and then re-sign in.
Ways to Buy a License
In the app, click "Unlock Full Version" on the purchase screen, accessible from the button in the top-right corner.
Steam: Purchase the app on Steam. Then open the app and sign in.
Website: Purchase from Website and enter your gamertag while completing the checkout.