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XBPlay: Video Settings

Updated: Jan 9

The video settings section allow you to adjust the video fit (aspect ratio), the video filters (saturation, contrast, etc) and the video location on the screen (for dual screen devices).

The video settings are located at "Settings -> Video"

Video Fit Setting

There are several different video fit values you can choose from, each one is listed in detail below. The video fit changes the size of the video on the screen. Use this to adjust the video to make it full screen, crop, or stretch the video. Since the Xbox Video is 16:9, if your device doesn't have a 16:9 screen, the video will not fit perfectly. This will generally result in "black bars" on either side of the video. Use the following video fit types to adjust the video to your liking.


The replaced content is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the screen. The video is made to fill the box, while preserving its aspect ratio, so the video will be letterboxed if its aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the box.


The video is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while filling the screens. If the videos's aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the screen, then the video will be clipped to fit.


The video is sized to fill the screen. If the video's aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the screen, then the video will be stretched to fit.


Manually adjust the horizontal and vertical size of the video. This will adjust the aspect ratio of the video to fit whatever dimensions specified. Note, the black bars are slightly smaller than the "contain" type but the aspect ratio has been distorted to some extent.

Video Filters

Video filters allow you to fine tune the look of the remote play video stream.

Video filters cannot be used with the clarity boost feature.

Vertical Video Offset

The vertical video offset setting will determine where the video is rendered to the screen when the device is taller than it is wide. This can be useful for dual screen devices where it is ideal to have the top screen display the video and the bottom screen display the controls. Adjusting the slider to a value less than 50 renders the video to the top of the screen, while moving it to the right renders the video to the bottom of the screen.

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